ATtract, engage and Retain your people

Communication is at the heart of engaged employees and high functioning teams.

We help individuals and organizations communicate clearly and concisely and capitalize on the creative power of their teams.


  • Increases creative output and reenergizes teams

  • Reduces conflict and builds trust

  • Grows communication and leadership skills at all levels

  • Increases clarity and effectiveness of presentations

  • Develops leaders’ ability to connect and motivate their people

Take the next step to build better relationships on your team.

I co-chaired our women’s ERG this past year, and invited Madeline to present a workshop to our group to assist in storytelling in business. It was a fantastic workshop and our members really found value in the advice Madeline gave. She customized the experience to give a range of advice for the shyest of speakers, to the most outspoken. Everyone in the ERG had nothing but positive things to say.
— Director of Corporate and Foundation Partnerships, ASME Foundation


Conflict to Collaboration: 3 Skills to Build Communication on Teams

Improve relationships, negotiating skills and team dynamics at the same time. This interactive and playful workshop teaches the 3 most important skills to effectively resolve conflicts, manage clients and build trust within teams.

Make a Long Story Short: Simple Storytelling Techniques to Capture Attention Fast

Avoid common storytelling mistakes and learn simple tools to shape your narrative, engage your audience and tell clear and concise stories.

Ditch the Dread and Build Relationships with Ease

Networking doesn’t have to be awkward, contrived, or salesy. Learn the C.A.L.M.S. framework to broaden your connections and build better relationships with your stakeholders and team.

It was enlightening to discover how much planning and structure contribute to the success of a presentation. Using the tools from Madeline’s workshop helped me to reframe and refocus the structure of my presentation, better tell the story and get my ideas across, ultimately getting a raise.
I now have tactics to feel more comfortable speaking, both in my team and in client conversations.
— MKH, Graphic Designer