Don’t Look LIke a ROBOT

3 Simple Strategies to Increase Audience Engagement

When I saw Grace Bonney speak at Creative Mornings, she talked about the importance of in-person connection. She said:

"Real people matter, real life experiences matter, and what happens on the internet matters a whole lot less."

You can apply this same idea to presentations.

What happens on your slides matters less than the relationship you build with your audience.

You audience wants to know you’re talking to them so the next time you’re speaking in front of a group, focus on connection.

You’re allowed to be nervous but don’t let nerves paralyze you and turn you into a robot at the front of the room.

Use these 3 simple strategies to build connection:

1. Look Them in the Eye

I know it can feel scary standing at the front of the room with all eyes on you. If you’re nervous or shy, eye contact might be the last thing you want to focus on. But consider this:

Your audience wants to know you’re talking to them.

So look them straight in the eye.

People often ask how to make contact with a big room of people. Here's a Tip: Look at one person at a time and tell them a whole thought. Then, move on to another person and tell them your next thought. With practice it will get easier. 

2. Smile

If you’re nervous and don’t feel like smiling, do it anyway. 

Smiling helps you relax.

It triggers different hormones in the body and when you smile, people in the audience are more likely to smile back at you. It creates positive feedback loops and if you're having fun so will your audience.


3. Be curious

Find out who your audience is and make sure your topic interests them. For instance, you might research them in advance and find out their profession, age range, and educational background. Once you know more about the audience, tailor your content to suit them.

Want more strategies to build your speaking confidence?

Sign up for 7 Steps to an Engaging Presentation so you can stop freaking out and start being the authority.